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Personal Effectiveness Training

Personal Effectiveness Training Course - 2 Days

Your personal effectiveness is a measure of your ability in six skill areas: To set and achieve specific goals, to effectively communicate; to prioritise and efficiently manage your time; to professionally manage conflict and difficult people; to develop the right amount of self-confidence; and to inspire others to give you their best performance.

When you improve your personal effectiveness, you will improve your self-esteem, reduce your levels of anxiety and be focussed on improving your life.

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Personal Effectiveness Training Availability, Pricing and Course Dates

If you have any questions, please phone us (020 3856 3037) or send us a message.

Live Online Virtual Training

£700+VAT per delegate
  • Live Online Personal Effectiveness Virtual Training delivered via Zoom or Microsoft Teams
  • Easy to join - all you need is a laptop or tablet with a Webcam
  • Learn the same skills as a face-to-face session, but from the comfort of your own home (or office!)

Open Course (Face-to-Face)

£950+VAT per delegate
(Early Bird Offers Available)
  • Delivered at venues around the UK
  • Open Course Timings are: 9am - 4.30pm
  • If you arrive earlier than 9am, there is coffee / tea waiting for you.

Bespoke Training (In-House or Live Online)

£2,250+VAT per training day
(International Price Varies)

In-House training has been designed to provide a similar experience to our open courses, however we can tailor the content to fit your specific needs.

Plus, travel and hotel accommodation for trainer if needed (Premier Inn type: not the Hilton!)

We are able to train in your timezone.

All our training includes:

  • Two full days of quality training, delivered by an experienced trainer
  • Total of 12 CPD training hours (9am - 4.30pm), plus an additional 2-3 via post-course online independent learning.
  • Full digital interactive course notes
  • Training certificate
  • Access to additional free training material after the course via our post-course portal
  • 3 months free telephone coaching: Whilst you are implementing what you have learned, if you need to, you can contact us for support and guidance

What is Personal Effectiveness Training?

Personal effective training is designed to help you develop the personal skills you need, to maximise your effectiveness, both at work, and at home. Personal effectiveness training is based on the idea that, in addition to your specialist knowledge and technical skills, you also need a set of additional key skills to give you better understanding of how to manage yourself and deal with the problems that occur in everyday life.

Training in personal effectiveness will show you how to set and achieve realistic goals, communicate with others, how to prioritise and manage your time effectively, manage conflict and difficult people with ease, develop your self-confidence and inspire others around you.

Contact Us Today

If you want to know more about this course, or any other Management Training Courses, or their suitability for you or a colleague, call us on 020 3856 3037 or make an enquiry online.

Customer Reviews

4.9/5 Our Personal Effectiveness Course is rated based on 570 reviews. More Customer Reviews >
An enjoyable two-day course. If used by all those who took part, I believe it can be very beneficial to the business as it moves forward in its development, in addition to the development of the staff themselves. The trainer's presentation was v... [Read More]
Excellent overview of concepts with some detailed analysis of key concepts. Such as the ‘goal’ part of SMART. The trainer was knowledgeable and approachable. I particularly liked that it was their own material – constantly improved and not just ... [Read More]

Personal Effectiveness Training Course Overview

This objective of this personal effectiveness training is to give you the necessary personal skills to develop yourself to be an effective individual with the self-confidence to succeed in life. We will show you how to develop these six key skills:

  • The ability to create a clear and distinct goal, and commit to it for long enough to attain it.
  • The ability to accurately explain your ideas to others, so they understand you, agree with you and act in accordance with your ideas.
  • The ability to analyse the facts and formulate innovative and detailed plans of action that will achieve the goal, in the most efficient manner possible.
  • The ability to guide and harmonise the various personalities in a team, so that they are more able to synchronize their actions and complement each other.
  • The ability to maintain a positive mental state of optimism and realism, especially during the tough times. The ability to think outside the box and have the confidence to challenge the status quo.
  • The ability to inspire positive emotions in the other members of the team, especially during difficult times.

These six skills sets form the foundations of personal effectiveness

Learning Outcomes:

  • Master the six skills of highly effective people
  • Achieve more in less time, with a goal focused mindset
  • Communicate with more confidence, clarity and persuasion
  • Handle difficult people with the right amount of assertiveness
  • Develop superior self-awareness, self-discipline and self-control
  • Learn the proper use of humour, appreciation and praise
  • Develop a positive mental attitude that will inspire yourself and others

Personal Effectiveness Training Course Details

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Day 1 - Morning

Day 1 - Afternoon

Day 2 - Morning

Day 2 - Afternoon

Personal Effectiveness Training FAQs

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Companies We've Trained

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