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How can I Make People Like Me?

How Can I Make People Like Me?

How Can I Make People Like Me?

Here are ten ways to make people like you:

  1. Ask questions about the other person, to encourage them to talk about themselves.
  2. Find topics of conversation that the other person knows a lot about; and try to learn from them.
  3. When you are talking, talk optimistically about the future.
  4. Don't complain, bitch, or moan about anything or anyone.
  5. Find things about the other person, which you HONESTLY admire and comment on it.
  6. Smile often and easily: And if it's funny, laugh out loud.
  7. If you do happen to disagree with the other, don't make an issue of it.
  8. Be honest and trustworthy in all your dealings with other people.
  9. Act as if your main mission in life is to help other people.
  10. Ultimately, you are judged by your actions. So, only say and do nice things.

1. Ask questions about the other person, to encourage them to talk about themselves.

Remember that people are more interested in themselves than they are in you. Use that fact.

Make the conversation more interesting for them (and easier) for you, by asking the person questions about what they think. Resist the temptation to keep talking about what you think.

People will like you more if you listen to what they have to say.

2. Find topics of conversation that other person knows a lot about; try to learn from them.

Everyone is an expert in something.

If you can identify the other persons "area of excellence" and ask the person to tell you more about it, you will tap into the other persons desire to be regarded as "knowledgeable".

If you make the other person feel knowledgeable, then they will love you for that feeling.

3. When you are talking, talk optimistically about the future.

Nobody likes a grump.

Everyone likes to feel optimistic about the future.

If you can make the future seem less fearful and more attractive, then YOU will seem to be more attractive and more likeable.

4. Don't complain, bitch, or moan about anything or anyone.

Nobody wants to spend their time listening to you complaining about other people, your poor health, or the traffic, or the political economy.

Nobody likes a grump, so don't be a grump.

5. Find things about the other person, which you can HONESTLY admire and comment on it.

People love to be admired. But people hate to be patronised.

So, it important to find something about the other person that you can HONESTLY admire, and then to make a nice comment on it.

The honest expression of admiration will make you a very attractive and likeable person.

6. Smile often and easily: And if it's funny, laugh out loud.

Smile and laugh often. People like happiness. So try to communicate happiness.

7. If you do happen disagree with someone, don't make an issue of it.

Simply say "I understand your point. That's very interesting, I've never thought of it like that before".

Unless you have to, don't argue needlessly over differing opinions. Don't tell the other person they are wrong. If you disagree with the other person, then use the above suggested phrase and let the disagreement pass without further comment.

8. Be honest and trustworthy in all your dealings with other people.

You are what you habitually do.

If you want to be liked, you must be likeable. And that means being honest and trustworthy. Nobody likes dishonesty. Nobody likes untrustworthy people.

Be honest and trustworthy and earn their love and respect.

9. Act as if your main mission in life is to help other people.

You will be liked to the degree to which you act in likeable ways.

If you assume that your mission here on earth was to help others to achieve their goals, and to feel good about themselves, then you will be liked and loved, and you will live long and prosper.

10. Ultimately, you are judged by your actions.

So, only say and do nice things.

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Personal Effectiveness

  • How to Manage Your Emotions
    If you want to control your emotions, you first have to understand why you feel the way you do. Only then can you start to make positive steps towards taking control of the way you feel and react. Be the master of your emotions!
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  • How to get the best from Lockdown
    You might be in Lockdown or in self-isolation, but your goal should remain the same - to get the best from yourself and others around you. A positive attitude plays an important part in getting the best from any situation.
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  • How to feel great everyday
    The words you use have the power to change how you feel, both in positive and negative ways. Find out how important it is to use the right words, to make yourself feel great everyday and enable you to perform even better.
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  • The Memory Palace Technique
    Learn how to create your own memory palace with this practical walkthrough from management training expert Chris Farmer. Improve your memory today!
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  • How to Handle a Crisis Situation
    Panic, overreaction and making irrational decisions will make a crisis situation worse. Instead, take a more rational approach and make decisions based on facts. Here are five strategies to take when dealing with a crisis.
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